We are pleased to announce that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has assessed Hampton Care Home as ‘Good’ overall following a one-day focused inspection in August. We now have a We now have a Good rating in four of its five key lines of enquiry – safe, caring, responsive and well-led. The effective category was also inspected but not rated on this occasion.

Hampton was last inspected in January. We received a ‘Requires Improvement’ rating for two areas – well-led and effective – and for the home overall. The most recent inspection looked specifically at the two areas that needed improvement.

Over the last few months, despite the pandemic, everyone at the home has worked incredibly hard to address the CQC’s concerns. These centred mainly around staff support and development, a greater provision of dementia-friendly signage and facilities, safe handling of medicines and consistency of leadership. Happily, the CQC is now satisfied that all our procedures and protocols around each of these areas meet its standards.

We are very pleased with this positive assessment during what has been an incredibly challenging time for everyone. Home manager Anne Trigg and her team have worked very hard to make changes following the CQC’s inspection in January and are delighted that their efforts are being recognised.

You can read the CQC report here. If you have any questions about it, please talk to Anne or her deputy Mobin Philip.
